Why Clover Blue?
Everyone’s asking why on earth Clover changed the milk bottles to blue.
And everyone is doing their best to get to the bottom of it.
We have seen some really funny guesses such as…
“Have Smurfs have taken over our Milk production?”
“Has Clover started milking blue cows?”
“Is a new bubble-gum milk on the cards?”
“Has Clover started endorsing a certain blue rugby team?”
“Is it because ‘Winter is coming’?”
We love hearing from you, please visit our Clover Way Better social media pages and share why you think Clover changed the milk bottles to blue!
Remember to use #WhyCloverBlue in your post comment.
There are some prize hampers up for grabs to the most accurate and the funniest guesses.
Categories: Clover Way Better
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